How to Manage Your Fear of Flying (One Option)

When you think of flying, does your heart start to race? Do your palms get sweaty? Do you experience a shortness of breath?
If you answered yes, you may suffer from aviophobia, a fear of flying.
Despite the fact that the FAA estimates that flying is 200 times safer than driving, nearly 1 in 3 adult Americans is either:
- Anxious about flying (18.1%)
- Afraid to fly (12.6%)
Apparently, women are twice as likely to have a fear of flying than men. (Hmmm…interesting.) *
If you have a fear of flying, try this on your next flight: Buy yourself an adult coloring book (or several!) and a set of colored pencils.
I know, I know. You’re saying to yourself, “Coloring books?? Is she nuts?” Coloring is just for kids.
Well…not anymore!
Art has been as a form of therapy for years. Coloring, one form of art therapy, can reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and shift your focus. The more intricate the pattern you’re coloring, the more focused you’ll be.
When you’re not focusing on your fear of flying, your anxiety will be reduced and your flight will be more pleasant. Win-win!
If you prefer some edgier coloring books, consider buying one or more of these “adult” options:
- Swear Word Adult Coloring Book: Hilarious Sweary Coloring Book for Fun and Stress Relief
- Calm Your Tits: 40 Hilarious Road Rage Designs for Shitty Drivers
- Make Life Your Bitch: An Adult Coloring Book
- Fucking Adorable! Cute Critters with Foul Mouths
Do YOU have a method for dealing with a fear of flying?
If YES, please share in the Comments below ⇓
*Source: “Fear of Flying: Impact on the U.S. Air Travel Industry.” Robert D. Dean, Kerry M. Whitaker.
Study sponsored by Boeing Commercial Airplane Company.)
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This is great advice! As someone who used to have this fear, I Love this!