Clyde’s Eggnog Recipe: Taste the Holidays

This eggnog recipe may seem a bit rich, but how often do the holidays roll around?
Just think of drinking a cup of this as eating a scoop of ice cream. Enjoy!
Clyde’s Eggnog
6 cups milk
9 cups heavy cream
2 cups (or to taste) sugar
1 tbsp vanilla
1 tsp nutmeg, freshly ground
1-1/2 cups pasteurized egg yolks
1 cup brandy
1. Whisk egg yolks until a light lemony color.
2. Add 6 cups of the heavy cream, milk, sugar, vanilla, and nutmeg. Mix thoroughly.
3. Whisk the remaining 3 cups of heavy cream to a very soft peak. Fold into eggnog.
4, Add the booze.
5. Happy holidays!
Yield: 1 gallon