“Water is life, and clean water means health.”
– Audrey Hepburn
It’s hard to choose a gift for someone else, let alone tell others what we want. If our loved ones’ budgets are limited, it’s often hard for us to ask them for something.
Don’t worry, I’ve gotcha covered.
Today’s gift idea is under $20; saves you lots of money; promotes good health; and is environmentally friendly.
- Refillable, reusable & recyclable bottle
- BPA-free, PVC-free and PH-free
- Active carbon filter removes chlorine and organic contaminants *
- FDA Approved
- The filter is equivalent to 300 water bottles that won’t end up in a landfill
- The filter is replaceable and is available in a variety of cool color choices
- The design of the bottle allows for easy gripping
- Made in the USA!
Check current price
* Warning: Not suitable for use where water is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality.
Saves Money
The main reason I chose the Bobble Water Bottle: it will save the recipient a LOT of money over time.
A 12 oz. bottle of water at an airport typically costs $3-$4. If you’re a person who’s diligent about drinking water, this can add up to a huge chunk of change!
If you have a Bobble Water Bottle, you can take it to the restroom and fill it up with tap water from the sink. The carbon filter will remove the chlorine before it reaches your mouth.
Helps the Environment
With a traditional water bottle. after the water is gone, the plastic water bottles get tossed in the trash and end up in the landfill. Too much waste.
However, with the Bobble Water Bottle, the filter is good for 300 water bottles full of water. A-mazing!
Once you’ve reached 300 bottles, the old filter can be tossed and replaced with a new one.
Which do you think is better for the environment: 1 water filter in the landfill or 300 water bottles? Need I say more?!

Promotes Good Health
Having a water bottle like this goes a long way toward promoting good health. Since the human body is comprised of mostly water, staying hydrated is very important.
Many of us strive to get in our 8 8-oz. glasses of water per day (or whatever formula you go by) as drinking water instead of other beverages has SO many health benefits.
Top benefits of drinking water:
- Aids with weight loss (something important to many of us)
- Relieves fatigue
- Helps with digestion
- Flushes out toxins
- Promotes healthy skin/improves complexion
If you want to read about more benefits, click here.
It’s good for travelers like you (of course!) as well as campers, hikers, walkers, joggers, cyclists, athletes, commuters (i.e., everyone)!
The Bobble Water Bottle is on MY Christmas list this year for sure. In fact, I’m going to buy one for myself (Merry Christmas to me!) and one for my boyfriend (he hates the chlorine taste of our tap water).
When the filter on your Bobble Water Bottle needs to be replaced, you can order 2 filters at a time. Or, you can ask for 2 replacement filters with your water bottle so you don’t have worry about it for awhile…completely up to you.
The best part is they are available in a variety of fun colors (I like lavender, but you can choose whatever color you like.)
Exciting, huh?!
In case you missed yesterday’s post, here’s a link: